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SCIENCE Grade 7Teacher's Guide (Unit 1 and Unit 2) 2. For Teachers Grade 7 Science: Matter QUARTER 1 DIVERSITY OF MATERIALS IN THE ENVIRONMENT Department ofIt is meant to show teachers what concepts students have mastered and whether more reteaching needs to occur . To reduce the possibility of students copying In education, expectation of the government is to enable all children in schools to reach the required levels of mastery of fundamentals of the subject matter, 3 UNIT 1: Force, Motion, and Energy Overview In Grade 7, students learned that energy exists in different forms and it can be transformed from one form to The Grade 8 Science Teacher Guide is developed as a support curriculum material Science Teacher Guide. 47. Physical Science. Unit 3: Matter. Chemical. Grade 8 Science Activities. UNIT 1. FORCE, MOTION AND ENERGY Module 1. UNIT 3. MATTER Module 1. THE PARTICLE NATURE OF MATTER Activity 1.
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